Two Massage Parlors In Tangsel Were Raided, Police Found Payment Notes And Contraceptives
Illustration (Photo: Pixabay)

TANGSEL - The South Tangerang Police Satreskrim conducted raids on two massage parlors suspected of being places of prostitution in their jurisdiction. As a result, 15 people were arrested.

Kasatreskrim Polres South Tangerang, AKP Aldo Primanda Putra explained, this raid was based on reports from the public regarding the alleged location of prostitution.

"We have secured 15 people including guests, therapists, managers who were on site at the time of the raid," said Head of the South Tangerang Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Aldo Primanda Putra, Monday, March 14.

Aldo also said that his party had secured proof of payment notes regarding the massage parlor and contraceptives.

"One payment receipt, we found many contraceptives, used tissue and also cash," he said.

According to him, sanctions await the owner of this massage parlor. However, for now, his party is still doing an in-depth investigation so that sanctions can be imposed.

"We will investigate later, we will call the manager or shop owner owner of the place," he concluded.

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