JAKARTA - Commander of the Brimob Corps (Dankorbrimob) Komjen Imam Widodo said the siege of the Attorney General's Office (AGO) by Brimob members was just a framing.
According to him, none of the ministries and institutions are superior in the Republic of Indonesia. Instead, everyone must strengthen each other.
"Nothing. Just framing. Nothing," said Imam at Mako Brimob, Kelapa Dua, Depok, quoted Friday, November 15.
"So we are the same in this beloved republic. No one is superior, but we are strengthening each other. The priority of this nation is that all these ministries/agencies strengthen each other. That's all, actually. So none of our names are framing," he continued.
Meanwhile, when asked about Brimob being sanctioned, Imam asked back. Then, again reminded that Brimob was just a framing.
"What about the sanctions? Maybe it's just a framing. The reason is nothing else. That's all," said Imam.
"Nothing. Brimob is the police. We don't stand alone. But we are part of the Indonesian National Police. So what is the statement of the Chief of Police, that's what we will do," he added.
Previously, Attorney General ST Burhanuddin revealed that there were unscrupulous members of Brimob who were involved in the siege of the Attorney General's office (AGO) during the investigation of the tin corruption case.
This statement was conveyed by Burhanuddin in a working meeting with Commission III of the DPR RI, answering questions from members of Commission III Benny K Harman who asked for clarity regarding the incident.
"The AGO's suspension was carried out, to be honest, carried out by Brimob personnel," said Burhanuddin Wednesday, November 13.
Burhannudin also said that his party had handed over the Brimob person involved to the National Police Headquarters and was no longer monitoring the progress of the case.
Meanwhile, the Attorney General's statement was to answer questions from Benny K Harman who asked for further explanation regarding the incident that occurred at that time.
Benny's question came from the follow-up on Sunday, May 19, evening. At that time, the Attorney General's Office Jampidus Febrie Ardiansyah was having dinner at a French restaurant in the Cipete area, South Jakarta.
He came along with an aide and a regional patrol officer (patwal) of the Military Police. For this incident, a member of Densus 88 with the initials IM with the rank of Bripda was arrested. He is suspected of being carrying out a "Sikat Jampidsus" mission and went undercover.
"We ask for the first explanation, if we can explain what is the story of the Attorney General's office being surrounded by brown troops. Brown or Brimob? Until now there has been no explanation, only news emerged in the public and then shook hands and finished. But what is the real incident, the public wants to get the most explanation," said Benny.
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