BANDA ACEH - Investigators at the Aceh High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) have pocketed a number of names of potential suspects for alleged corruption in cattle procurement in Southeast Aceh Regency.

Assistant for Special Crimes at the Aceh Prosecutor's Office, R Yusuf Raharjo Wibisono, said that the determination of the suspect would be carried out after investigators exposed the case.

"There are more than two potential suspects. Investigators have already pocketed the names of potential suspects. Determination of suspects after case exposure," said Yusuf in Banda Aceh, as reported by Antara, Monday, March 14.

Previously, the Southeast Aceh District Government through the Department of Agriculture managed the procurement of 200 head of cattle with a value of IDR 2 billion in the 2019 budget year.

Based on the results of the examination, he said, the procurement of cattle was not carried out according to the work contract. The cows should have been purchased at a superior cattle breeding center.

"However, the cows are purchased at retail from farmers around Southeast Aceh Regency, including from farmers in North Sumatra," he said.

He said investigators had checked directly at the location and found 151 of the 200 cows purchased were dead. Meanwhile, only 49 cows were left from the procurement. Investigators will soon submit a calculation of state losses to the Aceh Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), he said.

"In handling this case, investigators have examined and asked for information from 20 witnesses. The handling of this case has been improved from investigation to investigation," he explained.

Assistant for Special Crimes (Aspidsus) of the Aceh Attorney General's Office R Raharjo Yusuf Wibisono. ANTARA/M Haris SA

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