JAKARTA - The Mandalika MotoGP race will be held on March 18-20. The plan is that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will watch the race live at the Mandalika Circuit, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

Not only watching live, President Jokowi will also give prizes to the winners of the Mandalika MotoGP race. This was conveyed by the Regent of Central Lombok, H Lalu Pathul Bahri.

"The President is planned to be present in person to watch and give prizes to the riders who won the Mandalika MotoGP," said Lalu Pathul, as reported by Antara, Saturday, March 12.

The arrival of the president will not only monitor the MotoGP race. Then Pathul said the President would also check the supporting facilities and infrastructure for the Mandalika Circuit in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) that had been built.

"This is a form of the President's concern for the community, hopefully this MotoGP can have an impact on people's economic growth," he said.

The Regent also expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the central government for providing so many programs to improve the community's economy and promote development in Central Lombok.

"Hopefully the given program can provide benefits to the community," he said.

He also hopes for the community to support and succeed in this world-class motorcycle racing event, because it will have a large enough impact on tourism growth in Central Lombok in particular.

"We are all obliged to maintain the Mandalika MotoGP event, because the effects that will result from the existence of the SEZ and this circuit will eventually return to the community," he said.

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