JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the PAN DPP, Bima Arya, confirmed the news that his party would get one minister and one deputy minister (wamen) in a cabinet reshuffle. The reshuffle itself is rumored to be held in March 2022.

"That's the information," Bima told reporters, Friday, March 11.

Regarding the figure, the Mayor of Bogor said, PAN has many qualified cadres who can be proposed to the president. However, the authority to choose the name was left entirely to the General Chairperson of the PAN, Zulkifli Hasan. "PAN has many qualified cadres," he said.

However, Bima emphasized that PAN respects whoever President Jokowi will choose to join his cabinet. "We respect the President's prerogatives," he concluded. Previously, PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan admitted that he had not heard of a cabinet reshuffle that would be held this March. Moreover, the news stated that PAN would get ministerial and deputy ministerial seats.

"I have not heard the news," said Zulkifli Hasan when confirmed, Wednesday, March 9.

It is known that the news was conveyed by the National Awakening Party (PKB) politician Luqman Hakim. He admitted that he received information that President Joko Widodo would reshuffle his cabinet at the end of March 2022.

Luqman said, in the reshuffle (reshuffle) later the National Mandate Party (PAN) will get one ministerial seat and one deputy minister seat.

"If there are reports about coffee shops, the information will be at the end of March. PAN will get one minister plus one deputy minister," Luqman told reporters, Tuesday, March 8.

In addition, he also mentioned that there are political parties that are members of the coalition that will have their ministerial seats reduced.

However, the deputy chairman of Commission II of the DPR admitted that he could not confirm when the reshuffle would be carried out and which ministerial posts would be reshuffled.

"But I don't know for sure when and in what position, it's still in the news," said Luqman.

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