JAKARTA - The National Police has mapped and identified problems related to the development of the Capital of the Archipelago (IKN) to East Kalimantan Province, as a form of support for the agenda of moving the nation's capital. "Securing the construction of the new capital city can be carried out comprehensively," said National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo as quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 10. The National Police Chief said the transfer and construction of IKN to East Kalimantan Province was not only related to physical transfers and staff transfers to new places, but also become part of the transformation of the Indonesian nation towards an advanced Indonesia. "This agenda certainly needs to be supported and secured by all of us," he added.

Mapping and identifying problems that may occur in the development of the IKN, he said, is part of the task of the National Police and the TNI to maintain state defense and security.

Meanwhile, President Joko Widodo at the State Palace in Jakarta, Thursday, inaugurated Bambang Susantono and Dhony Rahajoe as the Head and Deputy Head of the IKN Authority, based on Presidential Decree No. 9/M of 2022 concerning the Appointment of the Head and Deputy Head of the IKN Authority.

Based on Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital, Article 9 explains that the IKN Authority is led by the Head of the Authority and assisted by a Deputy Head of the Authority, who is appointed, appointed, and dismissed directly by the President after consulting with the DPR.

The Head of the Authority holds office for five years, starting from the date of inauguration, and thereafter may be appointed and reappointed for the same term of office, but may be dismissed at any time by the President before the end of the term of office.

The first Head and Deputy Authority are appointed and appointed by the President no later than two months after the Law on IKN is promulgated, namely on February 15, 2022.

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