BATAM - A total of 1,606 residents of Batam City, Riau Islands recovered from exposure to the corona virus after completing the isolation and treatment period in the past week.

Batam City COVID-19 Spokesperson Azril Apriansyah said the number of residents who completed the quarantine period was far more than residents who were exposed to COVID-19, namely 654 people. Then there are now only 1,111 active cases.

"It's far lower than last week's 2,000 cases. The cure rate is 93,489 percent, the death rate is 2.89 percent and the active case rate is 3.6 percent," Azril said in Batam, Antara, Wednesday, March 9.

Among residents who are still active with COVID-19, as many as 745 people are undergoing self-isolation, 213 people are in the evacuation process, and others are being treated at 16 referral hospitals across the city.

Today alone, the Task Force recorded an additional 72 people who were confirmed to be exposed to the corona virus, then 244 people completed isolation and three people died. In addition, it was also recorded that COVID-19 had spread to the buffer islands of Batam City.

Of the three buffer sub-districts, two of them are yellow zones, namely Bulang and Galang with each one still active with COVID-19. While Backpadang is now a green zone.

On the main island, out of nine sub-districts, one of them is the yellow zone, namely Lubukbaja and the other eight are the COVID-19 red zone.

In the Task Force report, it is stated that the results of the COVID-19 situation assessment as of March 7, 2022 are PPKM level 2.

Community transmission received a level 2 assessment with 60.98 confirmed cases per 100 thousand inhabitants per week, level 2 hospitalizations with 6.22 per 100 thousand inhabitants per week, and level 1 deaths with 0.62 per 100 thousand inhabitants per week.

Then the response capacity is considered adequate. In terms of testing, the positive rate is 4.87 percent per week, tracing is considered adequate with a ratio of close contacts examined 15.61 per confirmed case per week, and adequate treatment with 33.98 percent BOR per week. Meanwhile, vaccination was considered adequate, which reached 115.32 percent of the target population receiving the first dose of vaccine.

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