JAKARTA - Used cars have a fairly large market in Indonesia, not without reason because of the choice of a used car because the price is much more competitive.
High demand for used cars, Toyota Trust is here as a solution for people who want to buy used cars whose quality is guaranteed, and come with a choice of quarantine as a solution to suit their needs.
Marketing Director of PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) Jap Ernando Demily, said that through Toyota Trust, the company is committed to providing reliable quality of cars and services, even before, when and after the purchase of used cars.
"Toyota Trust provides quality and reliable Toyota car buying and selling services as a form of commitment to the products being marketed. Toyota also presents several options for quarantine as a solution to meet the needs of more specific customers," he said, in an official statement received, Tuesday, March 24.
Used cars that have been marketed have been inspected by Toyota inspectors at 213 points to ensure flood-free, accident-free, and with original documents. Toyota Trust also guarantees transparency of information on the condition of used cars being marketed.
The latest solution from Toyota Trust
Coming with the tagline We Do Care, Toyota Trust offers an easy financing scheme for Toyota's used car customers. Together with a credible financing institution with a recognized track record, credit packages are prepared according to the needs of the community.
Another advantage of buying at the Toyota Trust is the opportunity to enjoy periodic service services and repair cars in Toyota's official workshop network which is widely distributed in Indonesia. Workshop and technician facilities with global Toyota standards, guaranteeing the best quality work, as well as quality and budgeted original replacement parts.
New Warning Program
Give customers a sense of calm, Toyota Trust presents several options for quarantine as a solution to suit customer needs since. One of them, Prime Extra which applies to Toyota used cars with a maximum age of 4 years and 100,000 km. There is also Prime, which applies to Toyota used cars with a maximum age of 8 years and 150,000 km.
"Give a sense of calm, quarantine is one of the important values given by motor vehicle manufacturers as a guarantee of the quality of the products marketed," explained Marketing Director of PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) Hiroyuki Oide.
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