PONTIANAK - The Kapuas Hulu District Prosecutor's Office, West Kalimantan Province has officially detained three suspects in the alleged corruption case (tipikor) for the construction of the Ma'arif Kapuas Hulu Madrasah (Mts).

The three suspects in the corruption case against the construction of MTs Ma'arif Kapuas Hulu are Dedeng Alamsyah, Arif Budiman, and Indra Dharma Putra.

"Our three suspects have been detained and placed in the Putussibau Rutan for further legal proceedings," said Head of the Intelligence Section of the Kapuas Hulu District Attorney's Office, Adi Rahmanto, in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu, Antara, Wednesday, March 9.

Adi conveyed that the construction of MTs Ma'arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kapuas Hulu located in Kedamin, Putussibau Selatan District was built using social assistance funds from the West Kalimantan Provincial Budget for the 2018 Fiscal Year.

The budget ceiling is IDR 6 billion and is channeled through an account in the name of the Ma'arif NU Kapuas Hulu Educational Institution led by Dedeng Alamsyah (suspect).

Adi said that in the alleged corruption case against the construction of MTs Ma'arif Kapuas Hulu, the three suspects made mark ups, causing state losses of Rp. 2.7 billion.

"When the investigation was not carried out, detention was not carried out, after the P21 stage we declared the files complete, we detained the three suspects for the next 20 days in the Putussibau Rutan," explained Adi.

Adi said that the three suspects violated Articles 2 and 3 of the Anti-Corruption Law with the threat of 20 years in prison.

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