JAYAPURA - An armed criminal group (KKB) has reportedly again attacked civilians in two districts in Papua, resulting in one death.

"There were indeed attacks by KKB in two regencies, namely in Yahukimo Regency, killing a gold miner and in Intan Jaya Regency, a builder was injured," said the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Commissioner Ahmad Kamal, Wednesday, March 9.

In his statement, Commissioner Kamal admitted that from reports received of the attack on a group of gold miners at Kali Ei, Seradala District, Yahukimo Regency, and residents found Afandy Tiakoly's body, Monday, March 7th.

The incident occurred when a panning group using a Mitsubishi Strada car was at the Kali Ei terminal, Seradala District, Saturday, March 5, and his body was found about one kilometer from Kali Ei.

Afandy Tiakoly's body has been evacuated and is in the Dekai Regional Hospital, Kamal said, admitting that he could not confirm which group carried out the attack.

The attack was also experienced by workers on the construction of a social assistance house in Kumbalagupa Village, Sugapa District, Intan Jaya Regency, Tuesday, March 8.

Victim Aris Kalan suffered a wound on the back of the neck due to a sharp object slash

The victim, who was slashed by a machete in the back of the neck with a length of 16 cm and a depth of 5 cm, has been evacuated to Nabire for further treatment, Commissioner Kamal said.

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