JAKARTA - Regional head candidates are asked to use other methods of campaigning that do not cause crowds. This was conveyed by the Spokesperson for the Task Force (Task Force) Handling COVID-19 Wiku Adisasmito, who responded to the permission to hold a music concert during the 2020 Pilkada campaign.

"Once again we repeat do not create a crowd because the crowd has the risk of increasing transmission and all campaign activities that cause the crowd and the potential for contagion are prohibited," Wiku said in a press conference broadcast on the YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat, Thursday, September 17.

He asked regional head candidates to think of ways other than holding music concerts to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 during the campaign stage. The principle of health, he said, should be number one in this matter.

"Please campaign in other ways so that you can truly protect the safety of the community. We need to convey the principles of the Salus Populi Suprema Lex, the safety of the people is the highest law that we must protect properly," said Wiku.

Previously, the Director of Domestic Politics at the Directorate General of Politics and General Government of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Bahtiar, stated that his party refused the KPU to still allow music concert campaign activities in the 2020 Pilkada.

"We reject all forms of music concerts. All over the world, music concerts are being closed. So, it is strange that we still allow it," said Bahtiar in a webinar discussion, Thursday, September 17.

According to Bahtiar, a music concert-type candidate for regional head campaigns could create crowds, potentially increasing the spread of COVID-19.

That means, music concert campaign activities are not in line with the government's efforts to reduce the spread of the corona virus in Indonesia.

"A music concert is an activity that is very specific, usually a music concert is not determined by the number of people who attend. If the singer has an appeal, then people have fanatics about certain musical genres, yes, there will be a crowd," explained Bahtiar.

However, Bahtiar said that his party still allows music concert campaigns to be carried out, as long as they are held virtually or online. "If the virtual concert is not a problem," he said.

As is known, campaigns in the form of music concerts are allowed by the General Election Commission (KPU) because it is regulated in KPU Regulation Number 10 of 2020 concerning the implementation of regional elections during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the pandemic, the KPU still allowed campaign activities with physical gatherings. This is regulated in Article 63 PKPU Number 10 of 2020. The following reads the regulation:

Art 63

(1) Other activities that do not violate the Campaign prohibition and the provisions of laws and regulations as referred to in Article 57 letter g can be carried out in the form of:

a. general meeting; b. cultural activities in the form of performing arts, big harvest, and / or music concerts; c. sports activities in the form of leisurely walks, and / or relaxing bicycles; d. competition; e. social activities in the form of a bazaar and / or blood donation; f. Political Party birthdays; and / or g. through social media.

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