LEBAK - Residents of the victims of the soil liquefaction disaster in Lebak Regency, Banten Province will use the Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) building in the local area as a place of refuge, due to the increasing rainfall in the area.

"We hope that residents who live in refugee camps will later occupy classrooms at the MTs," said Deputy Chair of the Lebak Regency Disaster Preparedness (Tagana) Advisory Committee, H. Emang Hidayat in Lebak, Monday, March 7.

Tagana volunteers have coordinated with the Ministry of Religion, Village Heads, BPBD Lebak, and heads of madrasas.

Currently, residents who live in refugee camps are complaining, because it rains almost every day.

They live in refugee camps that sometimes leak and get cold, so they need to be transferred from the tent to the madrasa building.

"We want all residents to live in refugee camps to avoid various diseases," he explained.

The head of Curugpanjang Village, Lebak Regency, Tadi, said his party agreed that 60 people living in refugee camps would go to the madrasah building.

The madrasa building is very suitable for living for residents affected by the moving land disaster.

They live in madrasa buildings, apart from not leaking, they are also relatively decent.

"Before the community, we lived in the relocation for a while living in the madrasa building, renting it and staying at the house of relatives," he explained.

Meanwhile, Murti (50), a resident of the refugee camp, admitted that she supports staying in the madrasa building because it is currently raining and leaking living in the tent.

We hope that tomorrow we can live in the madrasa building," she said.

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