BOGOR - The fate of Gunawan Roddi, an old man in Bogor, West Java, is unlucky. The 67-year-old man died after being carried away by the current of the Ciliwung River due to slipping.

At that time, Gunawan was about to clean up the garbage on the bridge connecting two sub-districts of East Bogor District, Bogor City, Sunday, March 6.

"According to the witness statement, he was actually cleaning up the garbage before it was washed away," said Head of BPBD Bogor City, Theofilo Patrocinio Freitas when confirmed, as quoted by Antara.

Theofilo said Gunawan's body was found not far from the scene. He said that at the time of the incident the river current was not in a strong condition. This incident occurred next to the connecting bridge between the Bantar Peuteuy Village, Tajur Village and the Parung Banteng Village, Katulampa Village, East Bogor District, Bogor City, at around 07.30 WIB.

Gunawan had shouted for help to Ujang, a witness who was at the scene. But soon his body disappeared. Ujang rushed to report the incident to local residents and local area administrators. Receiving news from the local administrator at 9.10 WIB, the joint SAR team immediately went to the scene of the incident to conduct a direct search on the river body at 9.35 WIB.

The BPBD team and the SAR team divided their tasks into two teams who followed the location of Gunawan's disappearance using a rubber boat.

"The dive team only found it after about six hours of disappearance, because it turned out that its position had sunk at the bottom of the river," said Theo.

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