JAKARTA - It has been a year since Nora Anne died. But until now, no one knows the exact cause why Nora Anne was found dead.

In 2019, the Malaysian public was shocked by the disappearance of a girl named Nora Anne Quoirin. The Irish and French woman came to Malaysia with her family for a vacation on August 3, 2019.

It is known that Nora Anne, who was 15 years old at the time, had Holoprosencephaly (HPE). HPE is a disorder in which brain development is disrupted since in the womb. As a result, because of this HPE, a person finds it difficult to digest lessons or information. This is because his brain is not developing properly.

At that time, Nora and her family were staying at a resort in Seremban. Just arrived on August 3, the next day Nora was not seen in his room.

There was no clue or anything that could find a trace of Nora. Therefore, the Malaysian police tried to find Nora Anne. The search was even carried out using helicopters, sniffer dogs and planes. Not only Malaysia, the police from Ireland and Britain intervened in this search.

After days, the search was fruitless even though it had involved many parties. The family also announced that it would reward 12,000 dollars for whoever found the baby.

But the fate of Nora's family was unfortunate because Nora was found lifeless on Tuesday, August 13, 2019 in the Seremban forest. The location is only two kilometers from where the family is staying.

Through the entire investigation process, Nora Anne was declared dead due to stress and hunger. He also experienced bleeding in the intestines because of this. The Malaysian police also said there were no signs of Nora being kidnapped or otherwise being mistreated by anyone.

Recent Updates

This case is still undergoing investigation. The latest update is that two sniffer dogs on duty to detect Nora Anne reportedly smell Nora around the fishing ground not far from the villa.

When the police unit and sniffer dogs find an abandoned sewer, there is a mineral bottle that may belong to Nora Anne.

In addition, the police also stated that there was no poison or illegal drugs in Nora Anne's body.

Still alive

Launching The Edge Reports on Wednesday, September 16, Chong Meei Chyi of the Sexual, Women and Children Investigation said Nora Anne's family friends got a message from a shaman or bomoh. This he mentioned in court on August 27.

“There were three messages that Nora Anne was followed by several people at KLIA Airport saying Nora was still alive. The second message said that Nora was still in the forest and lost. He needs his mother, "he said.

"The third message from another shaman said he (Nora Anne) was still in the southwest of the forest in a van," he continued.

“I asked Dominic (Nora Anne's uncle's friend) where he got the message from and he said he got it from friends and relatives. There were three messages stating that Nora Anne was being followed by several people at the airport (KLIA) and that Nora was still alive.

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