Serang City - Banten Police's Satbrimob set up a field kitchen at the flood disaster post, on Tubagus Raya Street, Kasemen District, Serang City, Tuesday 1 February.
Dansat Brimob of Banten Police, Grand Commissioner Pol Dwi Yanto Nugroho said, after the flood incident his party immediately set up a field kitchen to help the affected communities.
"Banten Police established a field kitchen in Kasemen District, Serang City, this field kitchen as a form of humanity in dealing with natural disasters to help residents affected by floods," said Dwi Yanto Nugroho, via a short message received, Tuesday, March 1, evening.
Dwi also explained that the field kitchen managed by the Banten Police Satbrimob provides logistics in the form of ready-to-eat food.
"This field kitchen is prepared to prepare food to help people affected by floods, to meet their daily needs, especially ready-to-eat food," he explained.
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