JAKARTA - Indonesia is pushing for three priority issues in the G20 Presidency for the Environment Deputies Ministerial-Climate and Sustainable Working Group (EDM-CSWG) meeting including encouraging actions related to land and sea management to achieve environmental and climate change targets. "Climate change is part of the recovery process from the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia has also raised the importance of marine issues from an environmental and climate change perspective to be raised and discussed at the G20 forum," said Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK), Siti Nurbaya when opening the G20 agenda. EDM-CSWG was followed from Jakarta, Tuesday, March 1. Speaking at the event entitled "Kick Off G20 on EDM-CSWG: Leading for Sustainability", the Minister of Environment and Forestry said that the marine issue was raised considering the great potential of blue carbon, especially in mangrove ecosystems. in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the agenda of the working group on environment and change During the G20 climate issues, the G20 Presidency of Indonesia has pushed for three main issues, namely supporting stronger sustainable recovery. The second priority issue is to encourage actions related to land and marine ecosystem management to support environmental protection efforts and achieve climate change targets. Priorities Indonesia's last move in the EDM-CSWG group is to encourage the mobilization of resources to support environmental protection and the achievement of climate targets. US per year," said Siti. She also explained that in the series of EDM-CSWG Presidencies, three meetings would be held, ending at the ministerial level meeting at the end of August 2022. In addition, the issues in the EDM-CSWG were closely related to other agendas, so a meeting would be held. with other working groups, such as with k working group on energy transition, sustainable finance, B20, Y20, and so on. "The G20 Forum is a world forum and in the 2022 G20 Presidency, we show that Indonesia has meaning for the world, especially in the context of environment and climate sustainability," he said.

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