SEMARANG - Central Java will become a "decisive" area and contribute greatly in 2024 if the stunting rate declines from year to year. If in 2022, Central Java is one of the 12 priority provinces that have the highest prevalence of stunting, then with the commitment of all regional heads, it is certain that the stunting rate can be suppressed optimally.

President Joko Widodo's commitment to reduce the national stunting rate to 14 percent in 2024 is not an empty hope. The commitment of all stakeholders to accelerate the reduction of stunting, which is mandated to the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), needs maximum support from all local governments, including Central Java.

Based on the Indonesia Nutrition Status Study (SSGI) in 2021, Central Java still "has" 19 districts and cities in the yellow category (prevalence of 20 to 30 percent). Among them are Kendal, Semarang City, Blora, Banyumas, Batang, Magelang Regency, Banjarnegara, Tegal City and Pemalang.

The other 15 districts/cities are categorized as green with a prevalence in the range of 10 to 20 percent. These areas include; Sukoharjo, Pekalongan, Sragen, Rembang, Cilacap, Kudus, Purbalingga and Semarang districts.

Meanwhile, Grobogan is the “only” district in Central Java with blue status, which has a prevalence below 10 percent. Precisely at 9.6 percent.

If ranked based on the greatest prevalence, the five “largest” districts have stunting rates in a row; Wonosobo, Tegal, Brebes, Demak, and Jepara districts. Meanwhile, the five districts with the lowest prevalence of stunting started from Grobogan, Magelang City, Wonogiri, Salatiga City, and Purworejo.

In order to comply with the national target of reducing the stunting rate of 14 percent, the rate of stunting reduction per year must be in the range of 3.4 percent. By looking at the actual conditions that are currently happening, the Central Java Provincial Government is "billed" for its commitment in 2024 so that no districts and cities in the Central Java region have "red" status. Red status is given to areas that have a prevalence above 30 percent.

To ensure a shared commitment to accelerating stunting reduction, the BKKBN held a Socialization of the National Action Plan for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction (RAN PASTI) in Semarang on Tuesday 1 March.

“This socialization event is important considering that the BKKBN is finalizing the RAN PASTI with a stunting-risk family approach. The role of Family Assistance Teams in the regions is so important because they are at the forefront. RAN PASTI is a reference in the implementation of accelerated stunting reduction for ministries and institutions, Provincial Governments, Regency/City Governments, Village Governments, and other stakeholders," said the Head of BKKBN Dr. (HC) dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K) through a press release received by

Hasto Wardoyo underlined that the BKKBN assigned by President Jokowi as the "controller" of stunting prevention always supports and pays attention to convergence efforts by prioritizing novelty, especially at the village and family levels. Utilization of family micro data by name, by address, and by problem, of course.

The BKKBN with 200,000 Family Assistance Teams consisting of midwives, PKK, and family planning cadres or other development cadres are already in the village. Thus this number is equivalent to 600,000 people. They will be trained and accompanied by prospective brides/couple of fertile age, pregnant women, mothers during pregnancy intervals, and children aged 0 - 59 months.

The socialization of RAN PASTI in Semarang was also the initial “full point” for the explanation of the working mechanism for the acceleration of stunting reduction at the provincial, district, city, and village levels. Also discussed are monitoring, reporting, and evaluation. And what is no less important is the stunting “funding” scenario in the regions. The stunting reduction indicator will be one of the parameters for the success of regional heads in the welfare of their citizens and spurring regional development progress.

The Mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi, who was present at this event, was excited and challenged himself and his staff to continue to be committed to fighting stunting in their area. Intensely, he did not hesitate with the Chair of the Semarang City PKK to carry out door to door inspections in the field to ensure that potential stunting families in the area were handled properly and optimally.

"As soon as there were reports of stunting cases, for example in the Mangunharjo area, Tembalang, I and the Chair of the Semarang Healthy City Forum immediately went down or went downstairs. I involve local officials and community leaders to make the stunting problem a problem and concern for us all," said Hendrar Prihadi.

In the RAN PASTI socialization which was held in Semarang, the Head of the BKKBN as the Head of the Central Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team (TPPS) was presented as well as the deputy heads from the elements of the Vice President's Secretariat, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Bappenas, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Ministry of Health.

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