JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has asked KIP Octopus 1 to temporarily stop tin sand mining. The decision follows allegations of environmental damage to fish resources and coastal waters due to violations.

The Director General of PSDKP KKP, Rear Admiral TNI Adin Nurawaluddin explained, the violation in question was related to tailings disposal that did not pay attention to pollution prevention standards and coastal damage.

"We found indications of violations in the implementation of tailings disposal that have the potential to cause pollution and damage to coastal areas," he said, in a written statement received by VOI, Monday, February 28.

Adin said that the tailings disposal system above sea level has the potential to cause pollution and coastal damage.

Regarding the violation, Adin explained that his party would conduct an in-depth investigation including collaborating with an independent expert team to determine the impact of the violation on coastal damage.

"We will involve a team of experts for further evidence," he explained.

Termination is part of prevention

Furthermore, Adin said that the cessation of the tin mining operation was an effort to prevent the impact of pollution and further damage to coastal areas.

In addition, Adin also ensured that he would conduct an examination of the parties related to this tin sand mining activity.

"Currently Polsus PWP3K is scheduling an examination of the related parties," he said.

Regarding the use of marine space that pays attention to the balance and preservation of resources and the environment, Adin also explained that based on Government Regulation Number 21 of 2021 concerning Spatial Planning, every use of marine space in all regions and jurisdictions of Indonesia must have an Approval for the Conformity of Marine Space Utilization Activities (PKKPRL). from the CTF.

Adin explained the marine space utilization activities, including tin sand mining. Therefore, tin sand mining activities in the waters of the Bangka Mattress must have a PKKPRL before carrying out their activities.

"PKKPRL is a tool to ensure that marine space utilization activities are in accordance with the zoning plan that has been determined so that the balance between economic and ecological benefits can be maintained. Again, according to the policy of the Minister, ecology must be the commander in chief," said Adin.

As is known, Polsus PWP3K who is on board above KP. Shark 17 has carried out an inspection of KIP Octopus 1 in the Matras waters on Thursday, February 22, 2022. Based on the inspection conducted, KIP Octopus 1 is suspected of not implementing the standards for preventing pollution and coastal damage.

Previously, Minister Trenggono had instructed that the issuance of the Approval for the Conformity of Marine Space Utilization Activities (PKKPRL) be carried out strictly, especially for high-risk activities. This step is intended to maintain the health of the sea, realize a balance of economic and ecological use in accordance with the blue economy principle where ecology must be at the helm.

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