BEKASI - The Bekasi Regency Government, West Java is investigating a case of waste disposal in the culverts of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road Kilometer 39 Hegarmukti Village, Central Cikarang District. The impact of the presence of waste causes fish to die and contaminate rice plants.

Acting Head of the Bekasi Regency Environmental Service, Eman Sulaiman, said his party was following up on the findings reported by residents by directly observing the location of the waste pollution in question. From the photo documentation, the waste is pink.

"Since yesterday the team has gone down to check the location. Currently, our team is still there to dig up further information," he said in Cikarang, Antara, Thursday, February 24.

He explained that the search was carried out to find out the origin of the waste disposal, the perpetrators of the waste disposal, to the impact of environmental pollution caused. "While we are investigating, including efforts to find the culprit, we will try to ask for Jasa Marga's CCTV later because it is located right under the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road," he said.

Eman suspects that the perpetrator is a person not from the company around the disposal site because the pollution occurs only in one area and not along the intended water flow.

His party today also took samples of the contaminated water to determine the type of waste and the potential impact on the environment.

"The results of the sample test can vary up to 14 days, later we can ask our Gakkum (law enforcement). This case has also been reported by residents to the police, hopefully the perpetrator will be caught soon," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of BPD Desa Hegarmukti, Dedi Hendriana, said that the waste pollution in the culverts under the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road crosses Tegal Danas Village and Gempol Village, Hegarmukti Village.

"This waste pollution has killed the rice plants in Gempol Village and several fish farms in Hegarmukti Village have also died, presumably due to the poisoning of the waste," he said.

Dedi suspects that waste pollution often occurs because there have been impacts, so there needs to be quick anticipation from village officials and the Bekasi Regency Government. Moreover, the waste also emits a pungent odor that causes air pollution.

"From the waste alone, residents have changed. We are worried that there are hazardous chemicals that threaten the health of residents," he said.

"We have sent a letter to the toll road manager, namely PT Jasa Marga because it is suspected that the perpetrators are users of the Cikampek toll road to Jakarta. We have also reported it to the Central Cikarang Police," he added.

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