JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas issued Circular Letter No. SE 05 of 2022 on Guidelines for the Use of Loudspeakers in Mosques and Musala. In this rule, the use of external speakers no later than 5 to 10 minutes before the call to prayer.

Menag said, the use of loudspeakers in mosques and musala is a necessity for Muslims as one of the Islamic syiar media in the community.

At the same time, Indonesian society is also diverse, both religion, belief, background, and more. Therefore, efforts are needed to maintain brotherhood and social harmony.

"The guidelines were issued in an effort to improve peace, order, and harmony among the people," said Minister Yaqut in a written statement, Monday, February 21.

The Minister explained that the circular issued on February 18, 2022 was addressed to the Head of the Provincial MoRA, the Head of the Regency/City MoRA Office, the Head of the District Religious Affairs Office, the Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council, the Chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council, the Leader of the Islamic Community Organization, and Takmir/Mosque Administrator and Musala throughout Indonesia. As a copy, this circulation is also addressed to all Governors and Regents/Mayors throughout Indonesia.

"This guideline is to be a guideline in the use of loudspeakers in mosques and musala for the managers (takmir) of mosques and musala and other related parties," said the Minister.

1. General. Speakers consist of internal and external speakers. Internal speakers are loudspeakers that are activated/directed into the mosque/musala room. While the outdoor loudspeaker is activated/directed to the outside of the mosque/musala.b. The use of loudspeakers in the mosque/musala has the purpose: 1) Remind the community through the study of the Qur'an, blessings on the Prophet, and the call to prayer as a sign of the entry of the time of obligatory prayers; 2) Convey the voice of the muezzin to the congregation during the call to prayer, the voice of the imam to makmum during congregational prayers, or the voice of the preacher and speaker to the congregation; and 3) Delivering da'wah to the community at large both inside and outside the mosque/mosque.

2. Installation and Use of Speakers. The speaker installation is separated between the external speakers and the mosque/musala speakers; b. To get optimal sound results, good acoustic settings should be done; c. The speaker volume is set as needed, and is a maximum of 100 dB (one hundred decibels); dand. In the case of the use of speakers with recording playback, should pay attention to the quality of the recording, time, and the final reading of the verse, selawat/tarhim.

3. Procedures for Using Loudspeakers. Prayer Time: 1) Dawn: a) Before the call to prayer on time, the recitation of the Qur'an or salawat/tarhim can use the External Loudspeaker for a maximum period of 10 (ten) minutes; and b) The implementation of Subuh prayers, remembrance, prayers, and Subuh lectures using the Deep Loudspeaker.

2) Noon, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha: a) Before the call to prayer in time, the recitation of the Qur'an or salawat/tarhim can use the External Loudspeaker for a maximum period of 5 (five) minutes; and b) After the call to prayer is sounded, the Internal Loudspeaker is used.

3) Friday: a) Before the call to prayer on time, the recitation of the Qur'an or selawat/tarhim can use the External Loudspeaker for a maximum period of 10 (ten) minutes; and b) Delivery of announcements on Friday staff, the results of alms donations, implementation of Friday Sermons, Salat, remembrance, and supplication, using the Loudspeaker.

b. The call to prayer using an External Loudspeaker.

c. Syiar Ramadan activities, echoes of takbir Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and Islamic Day Ceremony: 1) The use of loudspeakers in the month of Ramadan is good in the implementation of tarawih prayers, talks/studies of Ramadan, and tadarrus Al-Qur'an using Loudspeaker; 2 ) Takbir on 1 Syawal/10 Zulhijjah in the mosque/musala can be done using an External Loudspeaker until 22.00 local time and can be continued with an Internal Loudspeaker.3) Implementation of Eid al -Fitr and Eid al -Adha prayers can be done using an External Loudspeaker ; 4) Takbir Eid al-Adha on the day of Tasyrik on the 11th to the 13th of Zulhijjah can be echoed after the performance of rawatib prayers in a row by using the Loudspeaker; and 5) Islamic Day Commemoration Ceremony or study using an Internal Loudspeaker, except when tablig visitors overflow outside the mosque/musala arena can use an External Loudspeaker.

4. The sound transmitted through the loudspeaker needs to be considered for its quality and eligibility, the sound broadcast meets the requirements: a. Good or bad; danb. Properly and correctly pronounced.

5. Construction and Supervision. The construction and supervision of the implementation of this Circular Letter is the responsibility of the Ministry of Religion in stages.b. The Ministry of Religion can work with Local Governments and Islamic Community Organizations in coaching and supervision.

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