JAKARTA - The government provides new conditions for people who want to buy and sell land. Starting March 1, 2022, the BPJS Health Card must be attached as a condition for applying for land transaction services.

This is in accordance with the contents of the Letter of the Director General of Determination of Land Rights and Registration (PHPT) of the Ministry of ATR/BPN Number HR.02/153-400/II/2022.

The letter explained that the new requirements for BPJS Health attachments were set in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 2022 concerning Optimizing the Implementation of the National Health Insurance Program (JKN).

The Presidential Instruction instructs the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency to ensure that applicants for registration of transfer of land rights because buying and selling are active participants in the National Health Insurance program.

Member of Commission II of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, the PAN faction, Guspardi Gaus, assessed that the government's policy that requires BPJS Health membership requirements is very irrelevant and tends to be far-fetched.

"There is no correlation! Why should people be forced to join the health social security program, let alone link it to transactions in the land sector? This policy is clearly far-fetched and excessive," said Guspardi to reporters, Monday, February 21.

Moreover, he continued, the Letter of the Directorate General of Determination of Land Rights and Registration (PHPT) of the Ministry of ATR/BPN Number HR.02/153-400/II/2022, which will begin on March 1, 2022, is increasingly incomprehensible.

According to the PAN legislator for the West Sumatra electoral district, the government should provide the public with health insurance without having to be linked with the sale and purchase of land.

"It's really unfair to use all the existing infrastructure within the government to 'force' the community in order to optimize the implementation of the National Health Insurance program. The logic doesn't connect," said Guspardi Gaus. Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Ministry of ATR/BPN Teuku Taufiqulhadi confirmed this new rule. As of March 1, 2022, according to him, this rule has come into force. This means, he said, those who buy land must attach BPJS Health in their complete documents.

"That is true. In accordance with the existing Presidential Instruction. Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 2022. Effective March 1, 2022. Every land buyer must attach a BPJS Health card," said Taufiqulhadi.

He said this policy seemed to have nothing to do with it, but he thought it had something to do. Taufiqulhadi explained that the government wants to ensure that all people have health insurance.

Therefore, this is used as a document requirement for various purposes to ensure that all people have BPJS Health as health insurance.

"It seems at first glance that there is nothing to do with it. But the relationship is in the context of the presence of the state. The president wants his people to be guaranteed health throughout. So the president uses all the infrastructure that is in the government to achieve that goal," said Taufiqulhadi.

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