BOGOR - The Bogor City Health Office in West Java Province has gradually increased the number of beds for the treatment of COVID-19 patients to reach 1,300 units. This addition is in an effort to ensure that the needs for patient care are met.

"This addition can be done gradually by continuously monitoring the increase in BOR (the level of patient bed usage or bed occupancy rate) and controlling it so that (BOR) remains below 60 percent," said Secretary of the Bogor City Health Office Erna Nuraena in Bogor City, Antara, Sunday, February 20.

Erna said that the increase in the number of beds in the isolation room for COVID-19 patients was carried out to deal with the potential increase in cases of corona virus infection.

Currently, the beds prepared for COVID-19 patients in 21 hospitals in Bogor City are still sufficient.

According to data from the Bogor City Health Office, as of Saturday, February 19, 54 of the 112 beds provided for COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms and 224 of 449 beds for COVID-19 patients with moderate symptoms had been used.

Beds prepared for COVID-19 patients with severe symptoms are 147 units and as many as 84 units have been used. In addition, of the 62 beds prepared for patients with critical conditions, only 29 units were used.

"The overall BOR for the three symptoms is currently 45.1 percent," said Erna.

If the need for a place to treat COVID-19 patients increases, he said, the hospital will shift the function of some other patient care areas into an isolation room for COVID-19 patients.

According to him, as many as 21 hospitals have stated that they are ready to gradually convert 30 percent of patient care rooms into isolation rooms for COVID-19 patients.

In addition, the city government will re-operate the expansion of hospitals and isolation centers in the Dramaga IPB Dormitory if 80 percent of patient beds in regional public hospitals are used.

Previously, the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya Sugiarto, instructed the preparation of places to treat COVID-19 patients in 21 hospitals to deal with a potential spike in COVID-19 patients because the daily number of COVID-19 cases in his area had reached more than 1,000.

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