JAKARTA - The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) will further identify a foreign object similar to a missile that was found by a fisherman, Andi Arifin Lewa (54 years old) who was looking for bait near the beach on Jampea Island, Selayar Islands Regency, last Wednesday, February 9.

Danposmat TNI AL Selayar Marine Lt. (E) Siswandoyo, together with the Camat Jampea, Danramil 1415 Jampea, Kapolsek Jampea, and Kanit Intel Mapolres Selayar, departed from the port of Statuebukang to Jampea island using a 200 PK speed mopel to directly see foreign objects at the Jampea Police. Then foreign objects are transported to the port of Jampea and to be delivered to KRI Fatahillah-361.

Currently, the item has been received by the Navy after it was handed over from the Jampea Police Chief Iptu Daniel to the Guskamla Commander Koarmada II First Admiral TNI I Gung Putu Alit Jaya witnessed by Danramil 1415 Jampea and Camat Jampea in the lounge room of KRI Fatahillah-361. Then it will be taken to the nearest Navy Base for further identification purposes.

The day before, Thursday 17 February, Commander of the Indonesian Navy VI (Danlantamal VI) First Admiral TNI Dr. Benny Sukandari, who had observed the photo and video reports of the object, suspected it was Side Scan Sonar (SSS).

"This object functions as a sonar system that is used to research the Sea Bottom Profile, namely conditions below sea level, including activity, biodata and all life below sea level," said Danlantamal VI, quoted from the Indonesian Navy's official website.

The success of information and securing foreign objects was appreciated by the Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Yudo Margono. He said this was a synergy between the Indonesian Navy and stakeholders in coastal areas and islands.

Naval Chief of Staff (KSAL) promised to conduct more comprehensive research and more in-depth analysis by involving the Hydro-Oceanography Center of the Navy (Pushidrosal) and the Indonesian Navy Research and Development Service (Dislitbangal) as well as experts from universities on foreign objects such as missiles.

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