JAKARTA - The quick action of the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who immediately picked up Sinta Auli Maulidia at her residence in Samaran Village, Pamotan District, Rembang Regency, Central Java, Saturday, February 20, drew praise from netizens.
The National Police Chief Sigit ordered the Rembang Police Chief AKBP Dandi Ario Yustiawan and his staff to pick up Sinta by helicopter to immediately receive adequate treatment at the hospital. Sinta, a 10 year old child, has a tumor on her leg.
Quoted from the official Twitter of the Trenggalek Police, East Java (@1trenggalek), National Police Chief Sigit had time to make a video call with Sinta. In the 2.20 second video, the National Police Chief spoke of giving encouragement to Sinta and her parents.
"Mba Sinta, good afternoon," said the National Police Chief Sigit starting the conversation. Greetings from the National Police Chief, Sigit, was replied by Sinta and her mother, "Dalem Sir."
"Mbak Sinta, I have received information from the community and my subordinates. What do you want, Mbak Sinta?"
"I want to get well, sir," said Sinta.
"Later, I will send a team of doctors to Mbak Sinta's house. Today I also asked to be taken to Jakarta by plane later and then taken to the police hospital, Kramat Jati,"
"Later, when I arrive in Jakarta, I will immediately see Mbak Sinta. Ms. Sinta can be accompanied by her family, I hope you get well soon, keep your spirits up," said the National Police Chief.
"Thank you sir," replied Sinta.
General Sigit also took the time to talk to Sinta's parents.
"What do your parents do, Sinta?" asked General Sigit.
"Farmers, sir, replied Sinta.
"Okay, Sinta, later I will pick up my team of doctors from the police, today I also ask to be taken to Jakarta," said General Sigit.
Previously, Sinta had undergone intensive treatment at the Dr R Soetrasno Hospital, Rembang. He was also referred to the Solo Muwardi Hospital. Sinta's request to recover was submitted via Instagram.
After the video went viral, the National Police Chief immediately contacted the person concerned and ensured that he would provide the best treatment for him.
As promised, on Saturday, the Rembang Police Chief and his staff went directly to Sinta's residence. They took Sita by helicopter for further treatment.
The video uploaded by the Trenggalek Police received a lot of praise from netizens. They are busy praying for Sita's recovery.
"Hopefully Shinta Aulia's sister will be healthy again soon. Those who are patient in undergoing treatment... Thank you, the National Police Chief and all the ranks of the National Police," said a netizen with the account @Ari3P****
"Praise God. Add spirit, de Sinta Aulia. Get well soon. Salute to the Police," said the account @_Ol4****
"Cheer up, cah ayu, Thank you, National Police Chief," replied @Lambe_Toe****
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