JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya has prepared various matters related to the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) for DKI Jakarta. The preparation relates to the rules for getting in and out of Jakarta and the use of private vehicles.

"Of course we still have the equipment, the check point signs are still there, then all kinds of tents, the composition of members, the points already exist," said Director of the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to reporters on Thursday. , August 10.

Apart from these preparations, Sambodo has not yet been able to elaborate on the traffic rules or schemes that will be implemented. Because, his party is still waiting for a decision from the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta.

Referring to the previous PSBB implementation, several traffic rules were applied, including the regulation of online motorcycle taxis, regulation of the number of public transport passengers, and SIKM issues.

"Of course it cannot be done immediately. We must first look back at the PSBB by referring to whether the previous Pergub was the first on PSBB or a new Pergub," said Sambodo.

On a previous occasion, Sambodo said that he had not yet determined a traffic-side regulatory mechanism for welcoming the policy.

"We are waiting for an official decision from the DKI Regional Government. How many Pergubs will be implemented later," he said

In implementing the PSBB, driving and the use of public transportation will be regulated. Including the odd-even policy that was previously re-implemented when the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government implemented the PSBB.

"Including the elimination of odd-even, we are also waiting for an official decision," said Sambodo

Meanwhile, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan decided to pull the emergency brake amid soaring COVID-19 cases in Jakarta. This emergency brake was implemented with the imposition of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) starting September 14.

In implementing the PSBB it was decided to abolish the odd-even rule again. In addition, Anies also plans to again limit movement in and out of Jakarta. At the time of the PSBB, DKI had issued an entry and exit permit. However, Anies admitted that this did not work optimally.

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