LUBUKBASUNG - The enthusiasm of students from SDN 19 Pasir Tinggi, Jorong Anak Aia Gasiang, Nagari Bawan, Ampeknagari District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra to take part in the first stage of COVID-19 vaccination is quite high, reaching 95 percent of the 583 students at the school.

The head of SDN 19 Pasir Tinggi, Rika Susanti, said that the vaccination for the students had been carried out from Monday, February 14 to Tuesday, February 15 by health workers.

"The first day there were 238 students and on the second day 250 students. The total number of students who have been vaccinated is 488 or 95 percent of the 583 students," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 15.

He said all the students who had been vaccinated had the consent of their parents.

Previously, parents objected to giving permission for their child to be vaccinated due to fake news about the impact of the vaccine.

However, with the socialization that was given regarding the importance of vaccination for immunity from COVID-19, the student's guardian gave permission.

There are even parents of students who have not been vaccinated who are willing to get vaccinated at the school.

"Previously they did not give permission and a few days they gave permission for their children to be vaccinated. They are also willing to be vaccinated," he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Regent of Agam, Irwan Fikri, expressed his appreciation to students who were very enthusiastic about participating in the COVID-19 vaccination.

"SDN 19 is the school with the most vaccinations in Agam. With quite a number of students taking vaccinations, I immediately came to the location accompanied by the Agam Police Chief, Agam Communications and Information Office and others," he said.

He admitted that the awareness of students and parents at SDN 19 Pasir Tinggi was extraordinary to participate in vaccinations.

This should be an example for other elementary schools, because at SDN 19 Pasia Tinggi, which is located in a remote area, the parents have their own intellectual abilities to see the importance of vaccines.

"Hopefully this enthusiasm will bring enthusiasm to other schools," he said.

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