MEDAN - Theft of a motorbike in the city of Medan, North Sumatra, was caught on a surveillance camera. The footage was later uploaded on social media.

The motorcycle theft is said to have occurred on Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Medan Kota District, Medan City, on Monday, February 14. The victim, is a woman named Adhiski.

When met, Adhiski said he had lost the motorbike he usually used to work at the Singer Shop. At first, he came to his place of work around 08.30 WIB.

"At that time my motorbike was still safe and I still kept the keys," said Adhiski, Tuesday, February 15.

However, when the victim was about to have lunch, Adhiski took food from the seat of his motorbike.

"Apparently I left my motorbike key behind. That I don't know," he said.

Furthermore, at around 12:56 WIB, the victim heard a speeding sound from the front of his motorbike. Hearing that, the victim immediately ran from his office and looked at the situation.

At that time, the victim found his motorbike was stolen. He then went to the shop next door to look at the CCTV footage.

From the recording, the victim realized that the key was left on the motorcycle.

"So after I took my lunch, apparently the motorcycle key was still sticky. That's why the thief took it right away," he said.

After the incident, the victim immediately went to the Medan City Police to make a report. Adhiski said that he did not know and recognized the perpetrator at all.

The victim hopes the police can move quickly so the motorbike can return.

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