TANGERANG – The Tangerang Metro Police has named a man with the initials N (56) as a suspect in the case of the murder of his wife, NW (54) in Sepatan, Tangerang Regency. The determination of the suspect was directly disclosed by the Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin.

Komarudin said that N was named a suspect since Saturday, February 12.

"Saturday, yes, on the 12th (February 2022)," said Komarudin when confirmed, Monday, February 14.

Based on the suspect's statement, Komarudin explained that N was annoyed with his wife so that he darkened his eyes and took a sharp weapon (sajam).

"Automatically because of that upset, after taking a sharp weapon, he immediately stabbed his wife," explained Komarudin.

On that occasion, Komarudin also explained that the suspect's condition had not yet recovered due to the wounds on his body due to being hit by sharp weapons. However, continued Komarudin, he was able to do outpatient treatment by the hospital.

"According to the doctor's statement, it is already outpatient. That's why we pulled it, now it's in the cell," he said.

Previously, it was reported that N killed his wife by stabbing and slashing the victim using a sharp weapon at his residence, in Sepatan, Tuesday, February 8, at around 18.30 WIB.

The incident began when the husband and wife (couple) had a big fight. In the dispute, the perpetrator was so angry that he took a knife and stabbed his wife.

"So at first, there was an argument, then the perpetrator or the alleged husband of the victim, got annoyed by taking the knife on the cupboard. The knife is used daily for trading,” said Komarudin.

Komarudin continued. The victim was able to resist by taking a knife from the suspect's hand. However, the suspect again took a machete and slashed his wife to death.

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