JAKARTA - Lecturer Haikal Hasan was reported for alleged hate speech to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. This report follows Haikal Hasan's statement that Soekarno often imprisoned ulama.

"I want to report brother Haikal Hasan regarding his statement that Bung Karno was a prisoner of ulama," said the head of the National Representative Council (DPN) for Volunteers for the Democratic Struggle (Repdem) Wanto Sugito to reporters, Friday, February 11.

The reason behind the report is because Haikal Hasan's statement is considered to cause conflict. Therefore, the complainant said that there must be legal steps to prevent this.

Moreover, Haikal Hasan's statement was also assessed by the reporter as if he positioned Soekarno as always being hostile to the ulama. In fact, in fact the first President of Indonesia holds the title of Hero of Islam.

"So, there is a historical distortion carried out by haikal Hasan," he said.

"Even though history says, for example, in 1965 Bung Karno received the title of Hero of Islam, Hero of Honor from Islamic leaders of Asia and Africa in 1965," continued Sugito.

However, in the reporting process, the Criminal Investigation Unit asked them to complete the file.

The chairman of the DPN Repdem for Religion and Divinity, Irfan Fahmi, said that his party plans to return to the Criminal Investigation Department next week.

"We were asked to complete the file, so maybe Monday (or, red) Tuesday we will come back again," said Irfan.

One of the files which was considered incomplete, said Irfan, was related to organization. Because, in reporting it is not an individual.

"Organizational internal letters are because you report them organizationally. So, the completeness of the formal organization must be completed," said Irfan.

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