JAKARTA - As many as 200 Indonesian health workers will soon be dispatched to Germany in the Government to Government (G to G) program. This program is a new opportunity for Indonesian Migrant Workers Candidates (CPMI), especially for nurses.

The reason, Germany really needs nurses to work in hospitals.

"Sending our migrant workers to Germany for nurses. This is the first time in Indonesia or in the world. Indonesia is placing nurses in Germany through the G to G scheme," said Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI), Benny Rhamdani when confirmed by reporters. , Thursday 10 February.

The prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers (CPMI) who will depart come from 25 provinces in Indonesia.

The top ten are in West Java, Central Java, DKI Jakarta, East Java, Banten, North Sumatra, NTT, Aceh, South Sumatra and in tenth place are Bengkulu, Lampung, NTB, Riau and South Sulawesi. Each province has 4 CPMI.

"200 people have now taken the language test and in February there will be another registration for 500 prospective nurses to Germany," he said.

Although currently the Omicron case is getting stronger in Indonesia, Benny stated that his party continues to tighten the health protocol to 200 CPMI.

"In the second semester of this year they will be dispatched. What is certain, even if this is still a COVID situation, Germany itself has declared that it is opening up the entry of foreign workers. They (CPMI) when they are about to depart, they carry out the prokes that we have set," he said.

Benny ensured that CPMI health workers who came from their respective hometowns would go through a quarantine process first.

"We have prepared a quarantine place according to the prokes. During quarantine they are not allowed to go out of the room, cannot leave the room, one room for one person until they fly are declared negative. Likewise when they arrive in Germany," he said.

Benny said that the SOPs set by his party before the CPMIs left abroad were in accordance with those set by the government.

"In fact, we cooperate with the task force unit," he said.

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