JAKARTA - Mayor of Makassar, South Sulawesi Moh Ramdhan Pomanto underwent a computed tomograph (CT) scan at the Daya Makassar General Hospital (RSU) after three days of being declared exposed to COVID-19.

"Today I was asked by the medical team to check myself using a CT scan at Daya Hospital to find out my condition after three days of being exposed to COVID-19," he said through a video recording that was shared in Makassar, Thursday, February 10, as reported by Antara.

He said the team of doctors from Daya Hospital, who was continuously monitoring his condition, asked him to get checked using a CT scan to get a comprehensive picture of his condition, especially his lungs.

Danny Pomanto, as he is familiarly called, admitted that he had not had many complaints for three days of self-isolation at his private residence. Especially after the Cycle Threshold (CT) value increased to 33.

"The medical team asked for an immediate CT scan, nothing but to confirm my health condition. The symptoms I feel are mild but of course we can't ignore it and must always check the progress of the body to avoid unwanted things," he said.

The two-term mayor of Makassar admitted that after checking himself at the Daya General Hospital, he returned to his private residence on Jalan Amirullah to undergo self-isolation.

Regarding the results of his examination, he has not received a report from the medical team. But he admitted that his condition was fine and did not experience many health problems.

"No results have been given to me yet, please pray for my condition to improve and recover soon. Let's both care and protect each other, apply health protocols for the common good," he said.

Previously, the Mayor of Makassar, Moh Ramdhan Pomanto, announced that he had contracted COVID-19 again based on the results of the RT-PCR examination that came out on Monday (7/2) night.

"After my Sunday activity, later that night, I had a high fever and severe complaints in my throat, then I did a PCR swab, the results came out positive Monday night," he said.

Corona virus infection did not cause severe symptoms to the Mayor, therefore he was only undergoing self-isolation at home with his family under the supervision of health workers.

The mayor explained that according to the results of the examination using the RT-PCR method, his CT score was 33, higher than the CT score he had when he first contracted COVID-19 last year, which was 13.

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