SURAKARTA - As many as 15 officers at the Class 1 Detention Center (Rutan) Surakarta City, Central Java Province, underwent a urine test today as an effort to anticipate drug trafficking.

Head of the Class 1 Rutan Surakarta Urip Dharma Yoga said the urine test was carried out in collaboration with the Surakarta City National Narcotics Agency (BNN) to prevent drug abuse in the detention center.

"In addition to conducting urine tests, we also provide counseling about the dangers of narcotics to dozens of prison officers. In fact, many types of drugs are currently being misused using various means," said Urip Dharma, Antara, Thursday, February 10.

Therefore, his party continues to provide counseling about the dangers of drugs, so that prison officers do not let anyone abuse drugs. If any officer is found to have abused drugs, they will be given sanctions and strict action.

The results of the urine examination of 15 officers at the Surakarta Rutan showed negative status.

Meanwhile, Head of Security for Class 1 Rutan (KPR) Surakarta City Bachtiar Oktaffiandi said that his party also conducted random urine tests on inmates who occupy cell rooms of the Drug Block.

"Dozens of inmates also have negative urine test results," he said.

Previously, last Thursday, security officers from the Class 1 Rutan of Surakarta City thwarted the smuggling of methamphetamine, which was carried out by throwing the package from outside the walls into the local prison.

Urip Dharma Yoga said the item in black plastic in a round shape, which was neatly taped, was found by prison officials during a routine check on the inner circle of the prison wall at around 08.30 WIB.

The package, which was suspected to contain methamphetamine, was found behind cell room number 9 of the Narkoba Block. These findings are then reported to the head of security and the head of the local prison.

However, before opening the package, the detention center reported the incident to the Surakarta City BNN for examination. After being opened, there was an orange which contained a package of 0.82 grams of methamphetamine.

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