Practitioner: Punishment Of Sexual Violence Must Prioritize Justice
Domestic Violence Illustration/Photo: Unsplash

JAKARTA - Legal practitioner and founder of Rumah Pancasila, Yosep Parera, said that appropriate punishment in the prosecution of cases of sexual violence must prioritize the value of justice, both for victims and perpetrators. victims and perpetrators," said Yosep when he was a resource person in a public discussion "The Role of Criminal Law in the Catastrophe of Increasingly Rampant Sexual Violence", which was broadcast live on the YouTube channel Rumah Pancasila and the Legal Clinic, as monitored from Jakarta, Thursday 10 February. justice is an appropriate punishment in following up cases of sexual violence, because the ultimate goal of the Indonesian justice system is to nurture perpetrators and protect and renew the lives of victims, so that they can live a better life. b different because it depends on the facts in the field as well as the tools and evidence found, according to him the values of justice must still be prioritized. "Various laws regulate it differently. For example, in the Criminal Code, the threat is 5 years. Then in Law 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection it can be up to the death penalty. There is also a minimum sentence of 10 years, a maximum of 20 years, life imprisonment, or chemical castration. As long as the law is enacted, the punishment is applied. But if you ask what is appropriate, it deserves justice for victims and perpetrators," he explained. "In reality, the application of fair punishment for the victims and perpetrators has not been implemented," he said. appropriate punishment in relation to cases of sexual violence.

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