JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized the importance of wasathiyah Islam to maintain inter-religious harmony in Indonesia.

"This really needs to be maintained because it is our responsibility to maintain national harmony and Islamic teachings that are wasathiyah," said the Vice President in a statement from the Press Bureau, reported by Antara, in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 9.

As a country consisting of ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic religions, he continued, Indonesia would be vulnerable to divisions between people, said Ma'ruf Amin when receiving a virtual hearing from the Darud Da'wah Wal-Irsyad (DDI) Executive Board in Jakarta, Wednesday. .

Therefore, he said, as a population with a majority adherents of Islam, all Muslims in Indonesia must practice moderate Islamic teachings in their religious life, he stressed.

The vice president said that Indonesia is considered by other countries as a nation that has a high level of tolerance.

"Indonesia is considered a country that has implemented (tolerance) well," he said.

This is evidenced by the desire of the international Muslim intellectual organization, the Hukama Al Muslimin Council to visit Indonesia to learn about Nusantara Islam.

"We are considered a country that has a high tolerance attitude. Not long ago, the representatives of the Al Muslim Hukama Council came to see me, they wanted to learn in Indonesia about tolerance," he explained. COVID-19 in Lombok T

In the audience via video conference, the Vice President expressed his appreciation for DDI's work in developing moderate Islamic teachings in society. The vice president hopes that DDI can expand in spreading the teachings of moderate Islam throughout the region.

"I, as a person and the government, appreciate the role of DDI that has been carried out so far and hope that DDI can continue to contribute even more," said the vice president.

Meanwhile, General Chairperson of PB DDI Andi Syamsul Bahri Galigo said his party would continue to encourage students and the community in maintaining Ahlusunnah wal Jama'ah.

"We at DDI have now promoted books written by DDI figures. We will reprint and teach them to DDI students and students as a first step to maintaining ahlusunnah wal congregation," said Syamsul Bahri.

Virtually attending the hearing included the Secretary General of DDI Helmi Ali Yafie, Chairman of the Steering Committee Suaib Tahir, and DDI leader Hamka Haq.

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