BANJARNEGARA - A number of employees in the Banjarnegara Regency Government were allegedly transferred from their positions due to not following orders from a trusted person from the inactive Regent Budhi Sarwono during the project auction stage in the area in 2017-2018.

This was revealed during the alleged corruption trial of the inactive Regent Budhi Sarwono and his confidant Kedi Afandi at the Semarang Corruption Court, Tuesday, February 8.

The mutation of the employee who did not obey the orders of the regent's trusted person was revealed when the public prosecutor asked for information from a witness who is a staff member of the Highways Section of the PUPR Office of Banjarnegara Regency, named Meliana.

In his statement, the witness admitted that the defendant Kedi Afandi often received a phone call at the beginning of the fiscal year to inquire about a project announcement plan.

"He was contacted before the announcement of the job auction," said the witness, quoted from Antara. The witness said that the communication was informed by the Head of Bina Marga of the Banjarnegara Regency PUPR Service, who was his superior.

According to him, all the information asked by the defendant Kedi was answered with the knowledge of his superiors. He admitted that he complied with the defendant's request because he was afraid that he would be transferred from his place of work.

When the prosecutor mentioned the names of a number of employees in the job procurement department who were suspected of being transferred due to problems at the tender stage of the project, witness Meliana confirmed.

"Pak Sion Pramudita used to be a functional procurement official, now he has been transferred to Kalibening District. The location is far away," he said in the trial chaired by Chief Justice Rochmad.

He also confirmed that another procurement functional official had been transferred to a sub-district further away from Kalibening.

However, the witness did not know the exact reason for the mutation of the procurement functional employees. In today's trial, five Banjarnegara Regency Government employees were asked to testify as witnesses.

They were asked for information related to the job auction process in the district in 2017 and 2018 which allegedly involved a company owned by Budhi Sarwono.

Budhi Sarwono was charged with accepting bribes of Rp. 18.7 billion and gratification of Rp. 7.5 billion from various projects that allegedly involved his three companies.

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