JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono together with DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Doni Monardo conducted a review of a number of flood points in Jakarta and its surroundings.

The three of them departed using the BNPB helcopters from Monas Field, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 1. After traveling for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, the helicopter returned to Monas. Shortly thereafter a press conference was held.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono apologized first to Anies Baswedan before stating his statement regarding the results of the monitoring while in the helicopter. According to him, areas that are flooded are areas that have not been nominated.

"Sorry, Mr. Governor, during the exploration of the Ciliwung river, it turns out that the 33km-long which has been handled is normalized to 16km. In the 16km, we will see that God willing, it is safe from overflows," he said, glancing at Anies.

You can see Basuki adjust his breath, then continue his pengataanya. "But what has not been normalized is inundated. Now, this is said to be discussed with the Governor to discuss making the program," he said.

Not only that, according to Basuki, the Pesanggarahan river was also integrated with the Ciliwung river to the East Flood Canal (BKT), but the location was still flooded. Therefore, he asked the Provincial Government to take steps to acquire its land to fulfill the 1.2 km river bank normalization.

"We have worked on 600 meters. We are waiting for an agreement with the community now. Alhamdulillah, according to him, the community has had discussions and God willing, the community will accept that, hopefully we can handle it," he said.

Then continued, Anies, who spoke about the flood after monitoring it via air. As if he didn't want to lose, Anies also apologized first to Basuki before responding to his statement regarding the Normalization of the Ciliwung River.

According to Anies, the source of the flood problem is not in normalization. However, there is control over water. For him, no matter how wide the land is released, if there is no control of water from the South. Jakarta will still be flooded.

"I'm sorry, Minister, I have to take the view because you said earlier. So, as long as water is allowed from the South to enter Jakarta and there is no control from the South. So whatever we do on the coast, including in Jakarta, will not be able to control the water," he said. .

Flood monitoring from the air (Mery Handayani / VOI)

Anies said that all parties had witnessed last March, in Kampung Melayu, where normalization had been carried out, experienced extreme flooding. This means that the key is in controlling water before it enters coastal areas.

"We are grateful that now the PUPR Ministry is completing two dams. If the two dams are completed, then the volume of water entering the coast can be controlled. If it can be controlled, God willing, it can be controlled. But as long as we let the water just flow, no matter how wide the river, then the volume of water will be extraordinary, "he said.

The former Chancellor of Paramadina University Jakarta said more and more areas are being used for housing. Water absorption also decreases, so that rainwater also flows into the river.

"So, we hope that there will be quick steps to complete water control before entering the coastal area. But in this phase, the important thing is for the residents to survive the fast handling, after that we sit together to ensure that the master plan for solving this flood is synchronous," he said.

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