BOYOLALI - A total of 106 students and teachers underwent a PCR swab test after a teacher was confirmed positive for COVID-19, at SMP Negeri 3 Sawit, Boyolali Regency, Central Java.

According to the Head of the Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) of Boyolali Regency, Darmanto, the 106 students and teachers after undergoing the PCR swab test immediately underwent independent isolation while waiting for the results in about three to four days.

Darmanto explained that after being tested by PCR swabs from the results of tracing the closely box (tracing) with the teacher who was confirmed positive for COVID-19, Darmanto explained. Meanwhile, other students who do not have a tight box are still undergoing limited face-to-face learning (PTM) with strict health protocols.

"Students and teachers who undergo the PCR test must self-isolate for 14 days with distance learning (PJJ)," said Darmanto, quoted by Antara, Monday, February 7.

He said the chronology was that there were findings of positive cases of COVID-19 in the school environment starting from a teacher who was a Klaten resident who taught at SMPN 3 Sawit Boyolali.

She has a child who lives in Jakarta and said goodbye to visit, on Saturday, January 29th.

The teacher arrived in Boyolali, on Sunday, January 30 afternoon. The teacher, had taught, on Monday, January 31, and Wednesday, February 2.

Meanwhile, Tuesday, February 1, is a holiday because it coincides with Chinese New Year. On Thursday, February 3, the teacher also left to teach, but he received news that his son in Jakarta was confirmed positive for COVID-19.

The teacher arrived at school for a short time, then he was informed that his son was positive and then the principal gave permission to go home early. The teacher, then self swab test and the results are positive.

"I then asked the school principal to immediately coordinate with the puskesmas and the COVID-19 Task Force. On Friday, February 4, a tight box search was carried out. There were 106 students and teachers who entered the results of the closely box search in question for a PCR test," he said.

A total of 106 students and teachers were not allowed to take part in PTM at school. They have been studying online since Saturday, February 5th. Then there were 10 teachers who entered close contact tracing and 7 of them had undergone independent swab with negative results. Meanwhile, students and teachers who have not yet taken the swab test are carried out.

A total of 106 people who entered close contact tracing had to undergo self-isolation for about 14 days with two PCR tests to ensure their condition was safe. Meanwhile, other students and teachers who are not included in the close contact tracing continue to undergo limited PTM with strict procedures.

"We hope that psychologically the children will remain calm. Moreover, we are currently focusing on increasing children's learning motivation after almost two years of doing it online," he explained.

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