BANDARLAMPUNG - The Lampung Provincial Health Office (Dinkes) noted that there had been an addition to 161 positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the area.

"The daily additional confirmed cases of COVID-19 increased by 161 people," said Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Office, Reihana, quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 5.

He said the addition of positive cases of COVID-19 had increased the cumulative number of cases from 50,278 people to 50,439 people.

"There are 11 positive additions to COVID-19 in 11 regencies and cities in Lampung Province," he said.

The Health Office detailed that the addition of positive cases came from Bandar Lampung City as many as 78 people, Metro 1 people, Pringsewu Regency 9 people, Pesawaran 10 people.

Furthermore, in North Lampung Regency there were 5 positive cases, Central Lampung 19 cases, East Lampung 7 cases, Mesuji 2 cases, South Lampung 23 cases, Waykanan 3 cases, and Tanggamus 4 cases.

The addition also occurred in the case of death as many as 1 case originating from the Pesisir Barat Regency.

"With the addition of 1 death case from the West Coast, the cumulative number of cases has increased from 3,829 to 3,830," he said.

Reihana said that 5 people had recovered from COVID-19, bringing the total to 45,666 out of 45,661 cases.

"For the recovered cases, as many as 5 people came from Bandarlampung City as many as 4 people, and one person came from Pringsewu Regency," he said.

With the addition of positive cases and deaths due to COVID-19, the community is expected to continue to implement strict health protocols.

"Health protocols are the main thing that must be carried out in daily activities," he said.

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