JAKARTA - The corona virus vaccine developed by Sanofi with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) England. it will likely cost you less than 10 euros, or around Rp. 175,000 per injection.

"Prices have not yet been fully fixed, we estimate that production costs for the next few months are expected to be below 10 euros," Sanofi chief in France Olivier Bogillot told France Inter radio as reported by Antara, Monday, September 7.

Drugmakers and government agencies are racing to produce a coronavirus vaccine and treatment for COVID-19, the respiratory disease that has killed more than 879,000 worldwide and devastated economies.

Asked about rival AstraZeneca, which is estimated to cost around 2.50 euros in Europe, Bogillot said, "the difference in price for us is that we use up all our internal resources, our own researchers, our research centers. alone." AstraZeneca has outsourced part of its production.

A Sanofi spokesman said, in an emailed statement on Sunday, September 6, that the final price will only be decided when the vaccine reaches its final testing stage.

"We anticipate being able to determine the final price during our Phase III trial, when we find out more about dosage. At this stage, any numbers are incorrect. Less than 10 euros is just one hypothesis we're working on. "

Earlier this week, Sanofi and GSK started clinical trials of a protein-based coronavirus vaccine candidate with the ambition of reaching the final testing phase or phase III in December.

If the results are positive, Sanofi and GSK hope the vaccine can be approved in the first half of next year.

Sanofi is also working on another coronavirus vaccine candidate with US group Translate Bio which will use another technology known as messenger RNA.

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