PURUK CAHU - The Murung Raya Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Central Kalimantan, arrested a suspected driver of a driver's license (SIM) forgery operating in a photo studio in Puruk Cahu City. The action is armed with experience and equipment," said Mura Police Chief AKBP I Gede Putu Widyana via Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Deni Langie in Puruk Cahu, Friday, February 4. , then printed and laminated. The perpetrator with the initials IA (28) is suspected of carrying out his actions from 2021 to January 2022. The practice was carried out in a photo studio as well as his residence which is located at Jalan Akhmad Yani, Puruk Cahu. Prior to the arrest of the perpetrator on January 18, 2021, The Murung Raya Police received information from the public that there had been forgery of several documents the appearance of a driver's license in a photo studio kiosk belonging to the alleged perpetrator. Then the police from the Criminal Investigation Unit carried out investigations and raids. The results of the search found that the driver's license was allegedly fake which had not been taken by the applicant who was also a witness in the case.

From the results of the investigator's examination, it was found that the perpetrator charged for the issuance of one SIM with prices varying from Rp. 150,000 to Rp. 500,000 and the perpetrator admitted that he had earned Rp. 1,750,000. editing, the perpetrator had printed eight SIMs that were allegedly fake. He admitted that he did so based on a request from a customer who came to his photo studio to apply for a job at the company. The evidence that had been secured, said Deni, was a Vivo brand mobile phone Black Y12s series with Sim Card +62812-5540-4455, one Vivo brand silver mobile phone with Sim Card +62822-4134-1719. six years in prison,” said Deni.

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