JAKARTA – A carpenter who was repairing a tire was killed when a truck loaded with sand he brought himself died. The incident occurred at Kilometer 24+200 TB Simatupang Toll Road, Jatipadang, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Friday, January 4.
Head of Highway Patrol (PJR) Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, Kompol Sutikno said the incident was reported to have occurred at around 04.40 WIB.
According to information, the truck the victim was traveling in came from Meruya, West Jakarta, to Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta. Right at kilometer 24+100 of the TB Simatupang Toll Road, the left rear tire went flat.
"Then the truck pulled over at KM 24+200. At the TKP the kernet and the driver immediately repaired the tires with the intention of replacing the spare tire," said Sutikno in his statement, Friday, January 4.
During the tire change process, the kernet is on the left side of the truck, while the truck driver jacks up.
"The driver has warned the driver not to be in the side position. Unfortunately, the jack used twisted until the vehicle hit the victim (kernet), so the victim died at the location," said Sutikno.
Meanwhile, Pasar Minggu Police Chief Kompol Bambang Handoko said the incident was a human error.
“People change tires because of tire bursts and conditions on the toll road. It's just human error when changing tires or the jack is not proper," said Handoko when confirmed by reporters, Friday, January 4.
"The kernet (MR) died, which has been taken to Fatmawati Hospital. The case is handled by Laka Lalu, we are only handling the initial treatment," concluded Handoko.
The victim was taken to Fatmawati Hospital after being evacuated from the truck that hit him.
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