JAKARTA - Former Advisor to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Abdullah Hehamahua along with 11 other people sued or submitted a formal review of the State Capital Law (IKN) to the Constitutional Court (MK). The lawsuit filed by Abdullah Hehamahua and his friends is registered under Number 15/PUU/PAN.MK/AP3/02/2022. The applicants named themselves or joined the National Axis of State Sovereignty (PNKN). the points of constitutional loss include that the applicant is potentially harmed in reasonable reasoning that could occur if the IKN Law is enacted. Not only that, as a former adviser to the Corruption Eradication Commission who has served for 10 years, Abdullah said he had tried to make various efforts to reduce or even eliminate corrupt practices in Indonesia. In addition, applicant I also understands and understands the loopholes "The relocation of the capital city from Jakarta to Kalimantan certainly requires massive development to support facilities in the new capital city," reads the applicant's statement.

He explained that the funds needed for the construction of a new IKN amounted to approximately IDR 501 trillion. With such large funds, it will open up opportunities for corruption. In addition, the applicant who had served as Deputy Chairman of the State Organizers Wealth Examiner (PKPN) in 2001, felt the need to provide advice or participate in the process of forming the IKN Law. also intends to provide input on the efforts that must be made by the government so that the development carried out in the new IKN avoids corrupt practices. However, the process of drafting the IKN Law is fast and tends to be rushed, and closed, causing the applicant's rights to be violated. Apart from Abdullah Hehamahua, 11 other applicants in the submission of the judicial review, namely Marwan Batubara, Muhyiddin Junaidi, Lt. Gen. TNI Mar (Ret. ) Suharto, Major General TNI (Ret.) Soenarko MD, Taufik Bahaudin, Syamsul Balda. Next, Habib Muhsin Al Attas, Agus Muhammad Maksum, M. Mursalim R, Irwansyah and the last Agung Mozin.

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