JAKARTA - The handling of the alleged illegal access case involving Adam Deni is proceeding quickly. Because five days after being reported, Adam Deni was immediately arrested and named a suspect.

"He has been a suspect, since last night he was detained and arrested as a suspect," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, Wednesday, February 2.

According to Ramadan, Adam Deni was reported on January 27. Where, the report is registered with the number LP/B/0040/I/2022/SPKT/Dittipidsiber of the National Police Criminal Investigation Department.

Then, five days later, Adam Deni was arrested, on February 1.

"So it's true that last night at around 19:00 WIB, the US brother was secured by the investigators of the Cyber Crime Directorate of the Police," said Ramadhan.

In the case of Adam Deni, investigators have also examined a number of witnesses and experts in the process of handling this case.

“The witnesses who have been examined are 4 people and 8 experts. ITE and criminal expert witnesses," he said.

Adam Deni was charged with Article 48 paragraphs 1,2 and 3 in conjunction with Article 32 paragraphs 1,2 and 3 of the ITE Law.

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