JAKARTA - The head of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) Hasto Atmojo said that at least three alleged criminal acts were found by the agency in the cage case belonging to the inactive Langkat Regent. It is alleged that a criminal act deprives one person or several persons of their independence," said LPSK Chairman Hasto Atmojo in Jakarta, Monday, January 31. This means that the perpetrators do not have the authority to carry out the deprivation of independence. "We can call this confinement," said Hasto.

Second, from the investigation carried out by LPSK directly to the location, the agency suspects that there is an alleged criminal act of trafficking in persons. This is related to the utilization of the people who exist or inhabit the cage. They are employed in an oil palm plantation which is suspected to belong to the inactive Langkat Regent. LPSK also suspects that the victims were forced to work and did not comply with the provisions of the Manpower Act. Finally, LPSK suspects that the cage is an illegal rehabilitation center. This was reinforced by a statement from the local National Narcotics Agency (BNN) which stated that the place was not a legitimate rehabilitation center. He said from the news that had spread widely, LPSK saw that the cage did not meet the standards of a rehabilitation center or prison. "For example, sanitation facilitation is very poor, "Moreover, in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic, can it be said that it is appropriate for a room to be filled or overcrowded by the occupants in it?

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