SURABAYA - The Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, said that the first clinical trial of the Merah Putih vaccine will be carried out on February 9. This is done after being approved by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).

"Hopefully everything will go smoothly, there will be no significant obstacles in the development of vaccines by the nation's children," said Khofifah, in Surabaya, Monday, January 31.

Khofifah said the clinical trial would be carried out by injecting vaccines into 90 volunteers aged at least 18 years at Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya. Dozens of volunteers have not yet received the first and second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

"We ask for the prayers of all the people of East Java so that the implementation of the clinical trial of the red and white vaccine can run smoothly and successfully according to the expected target. That way, the vaccine can be immediately produced and utilized by the community," he said.

Currently, continued Khofifah, from the American CDC and UK NHS have recommended booster vaccination, because it has been proven to reduce the risk of infection and severe symptoms caused by new variants, including Omicron.

Based on the situation update from the WHO, it was found that the increase in the number of cases infected with COVID-19 caused by the omicron variant has reached more than 80 percent.

The omicron variant also showed about 5x higher risk of reinfection when compared to the delta variant.

Giving booster vaccines in developed countries has proven to be effective in reducing hospitalization rates by 89 percent. Therefore, we really hope that this red and white vaccine can be a candidate for booster vaccination in Indonesia," said Khofifah

This reason is very relevant, considering that Indonesia with a population of more than 272 million people, of course, cannot forever depend on foreign-produced COVID-19 vaccines. The implementation of booster vaccination activities has also made the need for COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia even greater.

This is certainly a necessity for Indonesia to be able to produce the COVID-19 vaccine independently.

Khofifah is also ready to support the acceleration of the Red and White Vaccine clinical trial starting from the first stage to the third stage. He even admitted that he was ready to be the first person to receive a booster injection of the Red and White Vaccine made by Universitas Airlangga (Unair) if allowed.

"We are all proud of Unair which has a strong commitment to provide the best offerings for this country, let alone being able to provide protection and safety to all Indonesian people," he said.

According to information, currently the completeness of the red and white vaccine and administration has been fulfilled. In fact, the entire team has met with factories to make good drugs or Good Manufacturing Practices (CPOB).

Later, in the first phase of clinical trials, volunteers aged 18 years and over will be tested through a strict screening process and followed by an injection or clinical trial phase. Meanwhile, children are still waiting for the first phase of adulthood to be completed.

The volunteers who will conduct clinical trials, have been recorded and will be asked to come at the RSUD dr. Soetomo, which is planned for the first week of February 9 to be exact.

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