MEDAN - The North Sumatra Police and Komnas KAM discovered the fact that the cage in the Langkat Regent's house was deactivated, and the Wind War Plan was published.

From the results of the investigation, the two institutions both discovered the alleged fact of the death toll in the Publishing cage of the Wind War Plan. From the facts found, the North Sumatra Police and Komnas HAM found different identities from the victims who died in the cage.

The findings of the two institutions were responded to by the Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi. When met, Gubsu Edy said the findings were being processed.

"It's in the process, if I say something wrong, it's definitely the law enforcement officers who conveyed it," said Governor Edy in Medan, Monday, January 31.

Governor Edy could not talk much about the legal handling after the findings. However, at this time, Governor Edy said his party had stopped the operation of the cage which was used as the location for drug rehabilitation.

"We stop it, it must be a permit. I am pursuing the legality issue, he is not legal. I can only go there," he explained.

"The investigation has been handled by the Regional Police, we are waiting for where the fault lies. What is certain, if it is not legal, is already wrong," continued Gubsu Edy.

Therefore, Governor Edy reminded all regents/mayors in North Sumatra to avoid non-procedural actions in running the government.

"Regents / mayors are all monitors, those who carry out non-procedural acts are definitely not allowed, avoid illegal activities," he said.

Previously, the North Sumatran Police Chief, Inspector General RZ Panca Putra Simanjuntak explained that the joint team of the Ditreskrimum and the North Sumatra Police's Narcotics Directorate discovered the alleged fact of the death toll from the Terbit Plan cage.

Currently, his party is conducting an in-depth investigation regarding the findings of the fact that there were occupants of the cage who died.

"The team from the Directorate of Drug Research and the Directorate of Criminal Investigation at the Poldasu that we formed have the same findings. The main thing is that the loss of people's lives is the main focus. We agree that no one should lose their life without clarity," said Inspector General Panca, Saturday, January 29.

Meanwhile, Komnas HAM Commissioner Muhammad Choirul Anam said that based on the results of the investigation into the existence of cages at the house of the Langkat Regent, the issuance of the Wind-War Plan, his party revealed the findings of the death of the cage occupants.

"We found 1 rehabilitation process whose method is full of violent records, starting from physical violence to loss of life, the data is very solid," he said.

Choirul revealed, the North Sumatran Police also conducted a search with the discovery of a different death toll from the findings of Komnas HAM.

"But it turned out that when we reported it to the North Sumatran Police, we also found the same thing with different victims' identities. In terms of numbers, more than one person lost their lives," said Choirul Anam.

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