AMBON - Ambon City Health Service Head Wendy Pelupessy said positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the area had increased.

"The addition of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 increased to 64 cases after five consecutive weeks of no new cases," he said in Ambon, as reported by Antara, Monday, January 31.

As of Monday, January 31, the number of cases has increased to 64 since another positive confirmed case was found on January 24, 2022.

The addition of cases has an effect on the score and zoning of the city of Ambon in the risk map for the spread of COVID-19 in Maluku Province.

Ambon City has now dropped to the Yellow Zone (Low Risk) with a score of 2.92, after previously being in the green zone with a score of 3.00.

"Ambon city's score fell 0.08 from the previous week, to 2.92 and entered the Yellow Zone or low risk," he said.

"Currently the samples are still being checked after being sent to Jogja, because if they are sent to Jakarta they will pile up," he said.

His party hopes that the public is aware of Omicron, while remaining disciplined in the 5M health protocol (Prokes); wear masks, wash hands, maintain distance, stay away from crowds and reduce mobility.

"Currently, the Health Service is also conducting outreach programs to the public so they don't be careless," said Wendy.

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