JAKARTA - The Indonesian Association of Internal Medicine Specialists (PAPDI) or the Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine today issued a recommendation related to the implementation of a COVID-19 booster vaccine program by the Indonesian government.

In an open letter addressed to the P2PTM Director of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the Head of the Immunization Sub-Department (Kasubdit) of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, as well as all PAPDI Branches and all Associations of Interest within the PAPDI Scope, Dr. dr. Sally A. Nasution, SpPD, K-KV, FlNASlM, FACP as Chairperson of PAPDI stated that PAPDI supports the holding of COVID-19 booster vaccinations.

However, as emphasized by Prof. Dr. dr. Samsuridjal Djauzi, SpPD, K-Al, FINASIM, FACP as Chair of the PAPDI Adult Immunization Special Task Force, "Primary vaccine coverage must continue to be increased in accordance with the expected achievements, especially for the elderly, comorbid groups, children and pregnant women."

PAPDI also invites the public not to hesitate and be afraid to undergo booster vaccination in accordance with the requirements set by the government, and urges people who experience side effects to immediately report to the telephone number that has been prepared or the nearest public health service facility.

"Together with the Health protocol, COVID-19 vaccination plays an important role in controlling this COVID pandemic. However, the success of the vaccination program will depend on many sectors to overcome the existing barriers, one of which is overcoming vaccine misinformation. "The success of the vaccination program and the journey to the end of this pandemic can be successful if the community and all sectors work together," said Dr. Sally.

PAPDI also asked all fields and sectors involved in the COVID-19 vaccination program to also monitor the effectiveness and safety of booster vaccines.

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