JAKARTA - The West Java Regional Police have delegated a case of alleged hate speech against the Sundanese community with the reported member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Arteria Dahlan, to the Metro Jaya Police. Thus, the handling of this case was transferred to authority.

"It has been transferred to Polda Metro Jaya," said Head of Public Relations of West Java Police Kombes Ibrahim Tompo when confirmed, Thursday, January 27.

This hate speech case has been delegated since Monday, December 25. The reason for the delegation was because of the location of the incident when Arteria delivered the statement that became the main issue in Jakarta.

"The consideration is the crime scene in Jakarta," said Ibrahim

The Sundanese Customary Council reported Arteria Dahlan about removing the Sundanese Kajati to the West Java Police Headquarters, Soekarno-Hatta Street, Bandung City, Thursday, January 20. The reporter makes a report to the West Java Police SPKT but still has to coordinate with the West Java Police General Criminal Investigation Directorate.

"Today, we report brother Arteria Dahlan, a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives who has stated in the viral news that he removed the head of the High Court who spoke in Sundanese," said Pupuhu Agung of the Sundanese Customary Council's Keratuan Council, Ari Mulia Sebagja at the West Java Police Headquarters, Thursday, January 20. Ari said that the statement by the member of Commission III of the DPR RI from the PDIP faction was considered to have offended the Sundanese people. Even not only the Sundanese people, other tribes also considered Arteria's statement painful.

"This is what hurts the Sundanese, our brothers from other regions also feel offended, today maybe the bad luck befalls the Sundanese again, being treated like that. It is possible that in the future other ethnic groups will do the same thing," he said.

According to Ari, Arteria's statement is considered a blasphemy against the tribe. So, he emphasized, Arteria should have been reported to the police.

Arteria Dahlan is considered to have violated the constitution Article 32 paragraph 2. Arteria is also considered to have violated Law Number 5 of 2017 whose derivatives have caused trouble, unrest and unpleasant actions, including the ITE Law.

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