MUKOMUKO - The Mukomuko Resort Police Corruption Unit, Bengkulu Police, investigated the alleged corruption in the construction project for the interior of the local DPRD meeting room with a budget ceiling of around Rp. Mukomuko Regency DPRD meeting room. "Today a team from the Tipikor Unit with experts from Padang, West Sumatra came to the Mukomuko DPRD building to check the results of the physical work on the council's interior development project," said Mukomuko Police Chief AKBP Witdiardi through Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Teguh Ari Aji in a statement. his statement in Mukomuko, reported by Antara, Thursday, January 27. He said that his party was currently investigating the alleged corruption in the interior construction project of the Mukomuko DPRD meeting room. this case. In addition, he m He said that his party would summon people related to this project as witnesses in the alleged corruption in the interior construction of the local DPRD meeting room. go up to the investigation stage," he said. For the next, he said, his party will convey the development of this case. currently the police are focusing on collecting evidence in the field first, hopefully in the near future we can find out what the results will be. Meanwhile, the local government in 2019 allocated Rp1.8 billion for the construction of the interior of the local DPRD meeting room. The interior construction of the local DPRD meeting room was carried out by CV Bintang Terang with a work contract value of Rp. 1.5 billion sourced from the 2019 APBD, however, the interior construction work of the local DPRD meeting room was not completed on time.
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